Dr. Mike Bolton
Mike has a passion for people and their success in life & business. He regularly travels around the world teaching & helping people grow and succeed in their personal lives and their business activities.
Mike has advanced degrees in communications, business and leadership development plus a wealth of experience in training people to understand themselves and connect with clients to increase sales success.
Mike and his wife Debbie have been happily married for 40 years and have three sons and four amazing grandsons. He is involved in several successful businesses and splits his time between his home in Red Deer, Alberta and Colleyville, Texas.
Dr. Lori MacWhirter
Parenting Educator and Family Mentor Lori has a doctorate degree in counselling and psychology. She opened a private practice in 1999 and worked for 8 years as a family therapist, working with individuals and children of divorce. Lori is a certified parenting educator, with the Positive Discipline Association and a certified family coach with the John Maxwell Team.
As a parenting educator and family mentor, Lori helps families gain understanding, boost knowledge and gain confidence in growing children who are responsible, respectful self-leaders - and resourceful members of their communities. Lori is married with a blended family of five grown children and 10 grandchildren.
Lori and her husband Rod have a blended family of 5 adult children and 10 grandchildren.
Lori is passionate about family legacy and helping people grow. As a parenting and family educator, mentor and professional counsellor, Lori can bring the best of expertise together to facilitate growth. As a parent and family coach she provides structure for families through coaching, parenting groups, workshops and training to help overcome parenting conflicts and build family strengths and confidence. Exploring issues as they interplay in the role of parenting and leadership, then focusing on solutions to build a healthy blueprint for your family's future.
Rod MacWhirter
The Law of Legacy states, “True success is measured by succession.” A legacy that does not include people has no eternal value. That is why leadership is critical. I make it my aim to practice transformational personal growth and leadership, where people’s lives are changed from the inside-out.
Rod has a passion and calling to help others, whether it is personal or business growth, in their quest to be intentional and live life on purpose - to leave a positive legacy for generations to come. Rod specializes in transformational personal growth and leadership, where people’s lives are changed from the inside-out.
A former division manager with over 40 years of experience in management, leadership, small business ownership and coaching personal, business and sports teams, Rod is now an entrepreneur who has dedicated himself to personal growth, to help the youth of tomorrow and the business leaders of today, create meaning in their own life and in the lives of others. Rod and his wife Lori reside in Central Alberta, and have 4 daughters, 1 son and 10 awesome grandkids.